


網址:http://tecnoleo.com 手機頁面二維碼 2022-06-15 12:06:33    

The main factors affecting the swelling process and structural characteristics of corn starch granules are the structural characteristics of the starch granules themselves, including the shape of the granules, the tightness of the arrangement of starch molecular chains and the position of the umbilical point. The method of controlling the temperature of water dispersion system can be used to control corn starch. The expansion degree of starch granules can be maintained in different expansion stages, so the structural characteristics and change trend of corn starch granules in different expansion stages can be studied in detail, and the expansion history and structural characteristics of starch granules can be obtained. By controlling the temperature of water dispersion system, the swelling mode and structural characteristics of corn starch were discussed in detail.
At room temperature, the corn starch granules were irregular polygon, and there were many planes and edges on the surface of the granules. There is a black spot in the center of most original corn starch granules, that is, the umbilicus of corn starch granules, which is located in the center of starch granules, and the granules are well maintained. When the starch emulsion was heated to 55%c, the shape of starch granules changed little., At this time, the starch granules still keep their original shape, showing an irregular polygon, the umbilicus is still in the center of the starch granules, and the polarized cross still exists. However, the water absorption of particles increases, and the particles expand to a certain extent, but the expansion degree is not large, which can only be observed from a few larger particles.
When heated to 60 ℃, the starch particles began to absorb a large amount of water, the starch particles broke through the surface constraint, the surface bonding of the larger particles was weak, and exploded from the middle of the particles. Because the surface of starch was irregular polygon, the shape of starch granules remained irregular geometry after expansion. The medium-sized starch granules are uniform or expanded due to strong surface adhesion, and most of them are round.
The smaller starch particles still maintain the original particle shape. When heated to 65 ℃, each exploded block inside the expanded starch particles continues to absorb water and expand, making the whole starch particles show a uniform expansion trend, but it can still be observed from the starch particles. To the direction and degree of explosion of each explosive box inside. At this time, the small starch particles also expand due to water absorption, the cross of polarized light disappears, and the whole particle shows a uniform expansion trend.
When heated to 70 ℃, the corn starch granules quickly continued to expand, and the highly expanded starch contacted each other. To sum up, with the increasing temperature of water dispersion system, the expansion history and structural characteristics of corn starch particles are the combination of "explosive" expansion of large particles and "uniform" expansion of small particles. Gradually transition to the uniform expansion mode of all particles until the particles are highly expanded and the shape gradually disappears. In this process, with the gradual expansion of starch granules, the very cross of starch granules gradually disappeared.
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