


網址:http://tecnoleo.com 手機頁面二維碼 2024-05-09 13:47:07    


The difference between "fully biodegradable plastics" and "degradable plastics"


In recent years, environmental protection has become a global concern, and China has also introduced a series of policies such as "plastic restriction orders", which provide both policy support and technological development. Degradable plastic products are widely used in today's society. Degradable plastics are divided into two categories: "degradable" and "fully degradable". Below, we will distinguish between "degradable" and "fully degradable" plastics.


500508百万文字论文-百万文字论文500308-500507百万文字论坛综合资料转载-500507高清跑狗图马会资料-780790百万文字论坛红字What is "biodegradable" plastic:

500508百万文字论文-百万文字论文500308-500507百万文字论坛综合资料转载-500507高清跑狗图马会资料-780790百万文字论坛红字  “可降解”塑料是在聚乙烯中加入一定量的生物材料(如玉米淀粉、甘油及其他生產助劑),使得塑料袋穩定性下降,較容易在自然環境或符合一定的條件下的環境中碎化。

"Degradable" plastic refers to the addition of a certain amount of biomaterials (such as corn starch, glycerol, and other production additives) to polyethylene, which reduces the stability of plastic bags and makes them easier to break in natural environments or environments that meet certain conditions.


500508百万文字论文-百万文字论文500308-500507百万文字论坛综合资料转载-500507高清跑狗图马会资料-780790百万文字论坛红字What is "fully biodegradable" plastic:



Under natural conditions, influenced by factors such as temperature, water, light, and oxygen, unlike biodegradable plastics, fully biodegradable plastics do not contain components that cannot be biodegraded. Therefore, they can be completely decomposed by microorganisms without residue, which is called fully biodegradable plastics.

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What is the difference between "fully biodegradable plastics" and "biodegradable plastics"


A certain amount of biodegradable biomaterials are added to degradable plastics, but the original non degradable plastic components inside are still non degradable. The resulting microplastic particles have a non visual and far-reaching impact on the future environment, especially on water and soil quality. And fully biodegradable plastics are degraded in nature, such as soil, sandy soil, or under specific conditions such as composting, anaerobic digestion, or water-based culture media, by the action of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and seaweed that exist in nature, and ultimately completely degrade into carbon dioxide, water, and the mineralized inorganic salts of the elements it contains, as well as new biomass plastics, without polluting the air and soil.


So "fully biodegradable plastics" are truly environmentally friendly plastics!


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