


網址:http://tecnoleo.com 手機頁面二維碼 2023-05-25 16:52:50    

可生物降解材料被認為是由于自然界中存在的真菌和其他微生物的干預而分解的所有材料。 當一種物質受到細菌的攻擊時,分解過程就開始了,它提取酶來幫助將初始產物轉化為更簡單的元素。 一個階段包括逐漸從土壤中吸收顆粒。

Biodegradable materials are considered all materials that decompose due to the intervention of fungi and other microorganisms present in nature. When a substance is attacked by bacteria, the decomposition process begins, extracting enzymes to help convert the initial product into simpler elements. The final stage involves gradually absorbing particles from the soil.
另一方面,不可分解的物質只會留在土壤中并破壞周圍的生態系統。 大多數現代合成材料都沒有可以簡化它們的細菌, 所以它們會隨著時間的推移保持完整,從而污染環境。
On the other hand, non decomposable substances will only remain in the soil and damage the surrounding ecosystem. Most modern synthetic materials do not have bacteria that can simplify them, so they will remain intact over time, thereby polluting the environment.
玉米或小麥淀粉制成的可生物降解塑料目前正在以工業規模生產,例如用于制造垃圾袋。 這些塑料的降解可能需要 6 到 24 個月,地下或水中,取決于淀粉摻入的速度。
Biodegradable plastics made from corn or wheat starch are currently being produced on an industrial scale, for example in the manufacturing of garbage bags. The degradation of these plastics may take 6 to 24 months, underground or in water, depending on the rate of starch incorporation.
同樣,由黑麥或壓縮纖維制成的完全可生物降解的塑料可以替代石油基塑料。 其中一種以黑麥淀粉為基礎,以顆粒狀材料的形式出現,用于制作菜肴。 變化時 成分及塑化工藝,可獲得密度、彈性模量、拉伸強度、變形等技術特性, 等等。 這些材料的特性與石化來源的常規聚合物的特性非常相似。
Similarly, completely biodegradable plastics made from rye or compressed fibers can replace petroleum based plastics. One of them is based on rye starch and appears in the form of granular materials, used to make dishes. When the composition and plasticization process change, technical characteristics such as density, elastic modulus, tensile strength, deformation, etc. can be obtained. The characteristics of these materials are very similar to those of conventional polymers from petrochemical sources.
在這一組中,有一些類型的合成聚合物可以自然降解或通過添加可以加速其降解的物質。 這些塑料包括氧可生物降解塑料和聚(ε-己內酯)(PCL)。 可生物降解的氧化塑料是合成塑料,其中將促進氧化的化學添加劑添加到組合物中以啟動或加速氧化降解過程以產生可生物降解的產品。 PCL 是一種用于醫療應用的可生物降解和生物相容性熱塑性聚酯。
In this group, there are some types of synthetic polymers that can degrade naturally or accelerate their degradation by adding substances. These plastics include oxygen biodegradable plastics and polymers( ε- Caprolactone (PCL). Biodegradable oxidized plastics are synthetic plastics in which chemical additives that promote oxidation are added to the composition to initiate or accelerate the oxidative degradation process to produce biodegradable products. PCL is a biodegradable and biocompatible thermoplastic polyester used in medical applications.
天然可生物降解聚合物,也稱為生物聚合物,由可再生資源制成。 我們提到的一些產品包括植物產生的多糖(玉米淀粉、木薯等), 微生物生產的聚酯 (主要是各種細菌)、天然橡膠等。
Natural biodegradable polymers, also known as biopolymers, are made from renewable resources. Some of the products we mentioned include polysaccharides produced by plants (corn starch, cassava, etc.), polyester produced by microorganisms (mainly various bacteria), natural rubber, etc.
Paper and natural fabrics
我們在日常生活中以某種方式使用紙張,它也可以是一種可生物降解的材料。 他們可能是 紙巾、餐巾紙、筆記本、報紙、信件、牛皮紙袋、收據、停車票、紙盤和紙杯、表格和應用程序,甚有用的文章。 既然我們都被紙包圍了,為什么不重復使用呢?
We use paper in some way in our daily lives, and it can also be a biodegradable material. They may be tissues, napkins, laptops, newspapers, letters, kraft paper bags, receipts, parking tickets, paper trays and cups, forms and applications, and even useful articles. Since we are all surrounded by paper, why not reuse it?
您可以改用流行的化學品和棉花、黃麻、亞麻、羊毛或絲綢面料制成的衣服。 除了絲綢,天然面料更便宜,穿著舒適,透氣。 與合成織物不同,天然織物是可生物降解的,不需要經過合成過程。 這些產品的許多好處是它們很容易分解并且不會產生有毒的副產品。 另一方面,尼龍、滌綸、萊卡等。 它們是通過合成加工制造的,是不可生物降解的織物。
You can switch to clothing made from popular chemicals and cotton, jute, linen, wool, or silk fabrics. Besides silk, natural fabrics are cheaper, comfortable to wear, and breathable. Unlike synthetic fabrics, natural fabrics are biodegradable and do not require a synthesis process. Many benefits of these products are that they are easy to decompose and do not produce toxic by-products. On the other hand, nylon, polyester, lycra, etc. They are manufactured through synthetic processing and are non biodegradable fabrics.
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